LSR x Chiefs Parade. | Le Stylo Rouge

Extra LSR: Currently…

New decade, championship parades, let’s dive into an update.

In my first post of 2020, I touched on some changes and updates happening in my neck of the woods. I thought it would be good to expand on those + do some general updating here in another episode of Currently.

LSR x Chiefs Parade. | Le Stylo Rouge
LSR x Chiefs Parade. | Le Stylo Rouge
The happiest of birthdays to the birthday boy- the whole city came out to celebrate you!

Celebrating: The Chiefs Super Bowl win at the parade a few weeks back. I seriously couldn’t believe it when they won – it had been 50 years! The city went nuts and threw a huge parade (in 20-degree weather, as per KC fashion in February), and it happened to fall on the same day as Dave’s birthday. Double celebration! A good friend of ours offered up the top floor + rooftop of his office, which happened to be right on the parade route. I made a batch of Bloody Mary’s, we packed a color and some snacks, and we drove downtown at 7:00 a.m. to get a parking spot. Day drinking, good pals, and a huge party for Dave and the Super Bowl Champs! It was a blast. You can see a killer shot of how many people showed up here.

LSR x Chiefs Parade. | Le Stylo Rouge
Hanging over the side of the roof to get this shot. Seemed safe.

LSR x Chiefs Parade. | Le Stylo Rouge

Eating: A ton of fish. I’m trying to get more omega-3s naturally in my diet, and fish is a great source of healthy protein. I’ve been mixing up how I prepare it: some nights I’ll brown some butter (learn how to do that here) and sautée the fillets with some garlic, salt, and pepper. Other nights, I’ll toss the fillets in a sheet pan with some veggies and bake it all for about a half-hour with various seasonings. (This recipe was a hit last week.) You can follow my food-related boards here on Pinterest.

Drinking: Apple sparkling water + Jim Beam Apple Bourbon. It’s alcoholic apple juice, kinda. The sparkling water and the apple flavor cut the classic burn of whiskey.

LSR x Chiefs Parade. | Le Stylo Rouge
Rooftop with a view. Go Chiefs!
LSR x Chiefs Parade. | Le Stylo Rouge
Cheers to Smith (in the middle) for scoring us the best seats in the city.

Watching: Dexter. I never got into the show the first time around, so Dave is re-watching it with me. (He does this: routinely expands my television series horizons by exposing me to shows like The League, Parks and Rec, etc.)

Going: To Austin in May. Dave is running a few Spartan races in ATX and we’re turning it into an extended weekend. Austin is such a fun (and weird) town. Good food, fun people, lots to do. Perhaps a candidate for an installment of LSR Travels?

Manifest Candle. | LSR
Image: Paige Cody | Unsplash

Loving: Lacy Phillips and her Pathway work. If you’re at all curious about manifestation (or boosting self-worth, or busting through limiting beliefs), you should check Lacy out. She has a different approach to the law of attraction – one more rooted in neuroscience rather than just thinking positive. I signed up for her Pathway membership this past fall and have chiseled my way through several of her workshops. I’ve learned quite a bit; diving back into one’s childhood and examining the true roots of why you feel a certain way or believe a certain can be really heavy and challenging. It can also be very rewarding once you unblock it and remove any shame associated with it. If you’re interested, you can score $20 off your first month of the Pathway.

Working: All the jobs lately. The blog, social media, my usual 9-5, about 20 hours a week of freelance writing work, The Closet for KC Homes & Style… It’s a lot. I took on more at the beginning of the year, and honestly, I’m still learning how to balance it all and have time to do other things – like hop on and get some rounds of Apex in with my boyfriend (Season 4 just launched a few weeks ago!), hit the gym, have a social life, etc. Work-life balance is something Capricorns like me struggle with; for us, it’s often, work, bold-faced + underlined… and then a little life if there’s room.

Listening: To Lacy Phillips’ podcast, Expanded– it was how I first learned about Lacy and got so into researching manifestation. She’s really open and honest about her journey and how she sorted through her method, all while bringing on some really interesting guests. (If you’re into astrology as much as I am, you’ll love it! Lots of astro talk.)

Buying: Not a whole lot, honestly. I’m not yet to the point where I’m hunting for spring things, and, quite frankly: I have more than enough clothes (for any and every season). I’m attempting to save more and am investigating investing (apps like Robinhood make it really easy for non-Wall Streeters). I like Robinhood because it’s user-friendly, you don’t have to put much in (if you don’t want to), and you get free stock just for signing up.

Skincare. | LSR
Image: Content Pixie | Unsplash

Planning: A happy hour event with my favorite med spa, AesthetiCare. Tomorrow at 5:30 pm we’re demoing Frozen C facials (cryo-based facials amazing for maintaining skin health + appearance) and running a Q&A on the products you need for youthful, healthy skin. (I’ve got a huge how-to on skincare in your 30s, btw. Check it out!) If you’re in the KC area, swing by! Cocktails, small bites, and lots of skincare knowledge.

Hope to see you there!

Linking up with Elegantly Dressed and StylishThe Fashion CanvasI Do DeClaire, Straight A StyleRosy Outlook + Seeking Sunshine, Pumps and Push Ups, Living on Cloud Nine, Curly Crafty Mom + Doused in Pink, Elegance & MommyhoodNancy’s Fashion Style, A Pocketful of Polka Dots, Shelbee on the Edge, Jersey Girl Texan Heart, and Away from the Blue.


  1. Girl, you have been busy but so much goodness! I’m so proud of you. And such a wonderful win for the Chiefs!

  2. Getting the air fryer really helped me up my fish intake – we make it once a week and it tastes delicious! You’re doing so much – hope you are taking some time out for yourself too!

  3. You’re a busy bee, Ashley! I think there’s just something about this new year/new decade. I usually do some R&R in January/February, while it’s cold and dark outside by the time I get home from work…get comfy in my nightgown as soon as I get home, curl up on the sofa with a blanket and a cat, and do some tv bingeing.

    This year there has been None of THAT. Workworkwork, busybusybusy…what IS that? Even “vacation” was planned to the hilt and we STILL didn’t get to everything we wanted to do 🙁 And it’s GOOD work, don’t get me wrong, it’s stuff I’m excited about, but…we all need a little time to hibernate…

    Just don’t know when that’s gonna be.

    PS – stop hanging off tall buildings for pictures 🙂 This is a Mother speaking.


    1. Haha, I hear you! My mother was also like, “BE CAREFUL!” when I posted those shots to Insta stories, lol.

      I am ready for spring- the winter has been long and surprisingly busy! Hoping for a little slowdown (but I doubt it).

  4. Happened to find your blog via another. Sounds like you are a busy lady. I am also not shopping, just don’t feel the need to and honestly I have more than enough also ☺️. Saving it for travel shopping.

  5. What a fun celebration! The pictures look amazing – I’m sure you had an amazing time. I love that you started eating more fish, it’s such an incredible and fulfilling source of omega 3 and protein.

  6. We’ve been trying to eat more fish too!! It’s hard when you’re not on the coast and can’t get it as fresh.
    We were rooting for your team for sure!!!

    1. It was so much fun! I’m glad we got to spend most of it inside the building- the people who were on the street must’ve been freezing!

  7. Wow. I got exhausted just reading your workload, let alone living it. I have no idea how you do it Ashley but you are bloody amazing! Thanks for the FYI on Lacy Phillips. I will be checking out her podcast for sure. Also the workshop sounds interesting too. I’ve been feeling all sorts of lost these days, this might just help me clear some roadblocks and give me better insight and direction!


  8. Still SO flingin’ flangin’ excited for the Chiefs, and yay for the double celebration! I haven’t been shopping much lately either, as this is the time of year we can finally bust out our ankle booties, jeans, and sweaters so I’m not quite ready for spring clothes. but check back in like a week or two – ha <3

    Green Fashionista

  9. Love that you’ve decided not to spend a lot of money on clothes lately! I’m trying to do the same! Need to check out Robinhood and that podcast you mentioned! I also wanted to add more Omega 3 to my diet haha that’s why I’m adding a lot of nuts and seeds like flax and hemp on my porridge in the morning or in smoothies ❤
    Selina | Selina’s Inspiration

  10. That win must have been exciting! Always nice to see a city parade. I like spontaneous parades, the ones that follow some sport achievement because they are always special and a nice break from a routine. You took some great shots!!!!

    Eating fish is one of the best things we can do for our health in terms of higher Omega 3 and protein intake. Fish is a big part of Mediterranean diet and that’s the diet I was raised on and still live on.

  11. I’m so happy for you guys that your team won the Super Bowl, and how lucky of you to get roof side views of the parade! That’s such a cute couple picture of you two!

  12. What an amazing street party, Ashley! I love so much about this post – such a fabulous insight into your life! Thanks for sharing the podcast tip – I am going to listen to it tomorrow morning on my drive to work, sounds so interesting! By the way, how do you manage to fit everything into your day? You’re a superwoman!

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