Punching Up Your Work Wear.

Getting dressed for work can get a bit monotonous, no? You feel like you wear the same thing, over and over. This is especially true in the winter, where if you don’t stick to a pretty strict fashion diet of tall boots + trousers + sweaters, you’re literally out in the cold.

I find adding color in unusual places, prints, and fun but office-friendly shoes keep my work wardrobe feeling fresh.

I wanted to wear a new printed H&M blazer, which I planned on wearing with a basic white v-neck t-shirt. I resisted the urge to grab a pair of black trousers as a base, and instead chose these burgundy slim fit versions. A black and white brogue made more of a statement than a black ballet flat.

The printed jacket, standout trouser, and interesting shoe make this work outfit seem a bit extra (without any actual effort).

burgundy trousers, black and white brogues, printed blazer
H&M blazer; Gap t-shirt; The Limited trousers; ASOS  brogues (similar on sale)
burgundy trousers, black and white brogues, printed blazer
H&M blazer; Gap t-shirt; The Limited trousers; ASOS  brogues (similar on sale)
burgundy trousers, black and white brogues, printed blazer
H&M blazer; Gap t-shirt; The Limited trousers; ASOS  brogues (similar on sale)

A few tweaks to the basics can make all the difference, don’t you agree?

Housekeeping: don’t miss out on the $1000 PayPal cash giveaway I’m hosting with a bunch of my blogging buds, and stay tuned next week for a beauty-related giveaway. (Especially you local girls!)

Linking up today with Vodka Infused LemonadeAll Things PrettyStylin in St. LouisGlitz and GoldPerfectly Coutured, and Style Elixir.


  1. Your tips are so helpful! I can definitely use them to make my work outfits a little more interesting.

    Gorgeous jacket! You look lovely! 🙂

  2. Dressing for work can definitely be a challenge every morning! Adding prints/color can definitely change things up a bit! This is totally something I would wear to work, but I first need to get my hands on some shoes like that – Love!!

    Clothes & Quotes

    1. Ah yes- I remember the cozy comfort of campus uniforms. For me, it was a steady stream of Pink sweatpants, KU hoodies, and Uggs. 🙂

  3. What a fun closet you have! I would be late for work daily because of hanging out in that fab closet. I love the Oxblood skinnies…stopping by via the link ups!

  4. I agree that dressing for the workplace in winter can be boring…same old, same old. This look is wonderful! Loving the trouser color and the shoes. The blazer pulls it altogether….perfect!

  5. I love this outfit! I love that anyone can wear this or something like it- very accessible, Ashley! Great styling!

  6. I hope people take the time to actually read your posts (and not just look at the pictures). While you’re gorgeous and your outfits are always incredible, the tips you provide in the posts are really essential to being able to build on one’s own personal style. I admire that so much! Know that I’m always reading. 🙂


  7. Love those burgundy pants! A little bit of color can make all the difference in the world. And those shoes are too cute!!


  8. I love The Limited’s pants- great style and color selection, and you can find them on sale for a really good price!

    Great post, Ashley! Hope you’re staying warm and have a great weekend!

  9. I saw that jacket at h&m this weekend and ALMOST bought! (Now I feel like I totally need to go back and get it so we can be jacket twins.) 😉

    1. Oy, I’m not (mentally) ready for snow, either. But I should be physically ready, after a trip to the grocery store this afternoon! 🙂

  10. Gorgeous lady! You look beautiful as usual! I am loving the shoes!! And may I just say how I think it’s hilarious that in your previous post you said you want a scarf for Valentines day,because I told my hubby I want a shirt! Only girls like us with fashion blogs would want clothing for V-day ha!

  11. Ohhh sweetie 😉 You’ve such class and glam. This outfit is very cool and I love your romantic-chic style.
    Kisses <3 <3 <3
    ps: I agree with you: great fashion minds!! And I'm so happy for this 😉

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