Extra LSR: Currently x Curls with Volume

Extra LSR: Currently (Still Quarantined)…

Welcome to the COVID-19 edition of Currently.

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So here we are, month four of COVID-19 quarantine. I’m doing a round of catching up and sprinkling in a few questions from the quarantine lockdown tag. Diving in!

Extra LSR: Skincare and Hair Care Tips and Ticks During Quarantine
Extra LSR: Currently COVID-19 x Puppies
These girls are actually living their best lives in quarantine.

Come on, own up: did you stockpile anything? True story: I always have a small stockpile of toilet paper and paper towels. So once things started to go buck wild at the grocery stores with shortages, we just burned through our little stash. I actually didn’t buy paper products for over a month– which was good, because it wasn’t like we could readily get our hands on any. I did, however, take to eBay to buy a big thing of Lysol multipurpose concentrate because we were nearly out and I couldn’t find it on store shelves anywhere.

Eating: Blueberries, peaches, grapefruit, and watermelon. Give me all the summer fruits, please and thank you. For quick on-the-go snacks I grab between Zoom meetings, I grab a handful of salted cashews or one of these antibiotic-free jerky sticks.

Did you give in to the hype and bake your own banana bread? Or sourdough? I’m not a baker and quarantine didn’t change that. I did get more creative with my cooking, though. Lots of, “Oh, I have this and this in the fridge, let’s sauté it with this and that” type of dinners, which lead me to whip up a whiskey-and-heavy-cream sauce I paired with tilapia fillets.

Extra LSR: Currently COVID-19 x Tilapia Dish
You guys, seriously this dish is SO. GOOD.

Drinking: A big glass of water with lemon and apple cider vinegar in the morning, followed by a cup of coffee. Then I start slamming the water pretty hard. Diet Dr. Pepper or a Bang if I need a little afternoon pick-me-up. Frozen strawberry margaritas on the weekends (because I bought this bad boy and it literally makes a GALLON of margs at a time and is under $100).

Have you discovered a new hobby? Not exactly, but I have gotten back into reading. I’ve worked through White Fragility and The Hate U Give. I’m also hyper-focused on skincare these days since I have more time. I’ll hole up in my bathroom with some tunes on, do a few different masks, take time layering serums, slather on a super-hydrating body oil– you name it, if it’s skincare-related, I’m game. That counts as a hobby, right? And I swear my skin is super glowy from all the attention.

Extra LSR: Currently COVID-19 x Bathroom
My bathroom is my self-care sanctuary (where I frequently wear just oversized t-shirts and no pants, apparently). T-shirt is Mullin Made, a KC company + 100% of the profits from this shirt go to the Missouri ACLU as they continue to fight inequality.

Skincare essentials:

Watching: We have been burning through show after show on Netflix and Amazon Prime. Big fans of Dead to Me, The Expanse, and now we’re watching the second season of Hanna and the reboot of Unsolved Mysteries. (Omg! It’s soooo good!)

Going: Nowhere, really. With cases rising and no vaccine in sight, I’m staying close to home. I make the exception for friends and family who’ve been responsibly social distancing and quarantining, but 98% of my time is spent at home. Jonesing for a happy hour? Dave and I will hit the back deck with drinks after work. I also spend quite a bit of time out there watering flowers. My pots are on fire this year!

Extra LSR: Currently COVID-19 x Flowers
These million bells are soooo pretty, tolerate the sun well, and bloom all summer long.

Loungewear or normal clothes? My loungewear game has exploded in quarantine. So many new pairs of bike shorts, oversized t-shirts, and comfy matching sets. My work isn’t requiring us to be business professional attire for Zoom calls (or even have our cameras turned on all the time), so I’ve been able to achieve a new level of comfort.

Wearing makeup during quarantine? Not usually. Not even for work calls. I just throw on my fave blue light glasses and they do the trick.

Extra LSR: Currently COVID-19 x Blue Light Glasses
My daily uniform, basically. Get my glasses here.

Have you been to your hairstylist or have you been cutting + dyeing your own hair? As if I had the talent to cut or dye my own hair! I was lucky that my style looked a-okay grown out, so I skipped my April appointment and didn’t see my stylist, Steph, until it was safer to do so. She has her own one-room studio, which is really nice to limit exposure. We both mask up during the appointment and she disinfects like crazy between clients. Safety first!

Speaking of hair: I’ve been styling my waves differently. Ladies and gentlemen, I have rediscovered the diffuser. I stumbled upon India Batson’s YouTube and realized that our curl patterns were very similar and her volume was crazy. I stopped blowing out the front pieces of my hair with a big round brush and just scrunched in curl creme, a little gel, then diffused until dry(ish). Holy 90s volume!

Let me know if you guys want a more in-depth blog post on this. I’ve featured some of the products I used to create this look (and keep it fresh for 3-5 days), but I can definitely do something more step-by-step if there’s interest.

Extra LSR: Currently x Curls with Volume
These curls are WILD.

Curly hair essentials:

Working: Out in my bedroom! I have amassed quite the collection of resistance bands, dumbbells, and ankle weights during quarantine. I keep ’em in my closet and then throw an episode of Housewives while I power through an Instagram workout. I love all at-home workout content the fitness influencers have been putting together. I love CollegeCleanEating and HayleyMadiganFitness. They have some great workouts I keep in my saves and are both super body positive and real, which I really dig.

Home workout essentials:

Listening: To Throttle. I discovered him while playing Rocket League (yes, lol, you read that right) with my friends and the playlist was so amazing. Cities is my jam.

Extra LSR: Currently COVID-19 x Rocket League
My car: far left. But my whole squad is pretty fly, no joke.

Buying: New bathroom towels. New sheets. A wine fridge. You know, stuff to make the house comfier, more functional, or a little more luxurious. It only makes sense since we’re spending so much time at home right now!

Feeling: In a solid quarantine routine. I have carved out space to work, unplug, workout, relax, and recharge. All in the same house. It feels like something I am prepared to continue for as long as I need to– as long COVID-19 continues to spread, put people in hospitals, and take lives. Of course, it’s frustrating to watch cases rise here in the US because people throw fits about wearing masks (I like to refer to this super catchy song when faced with people like this) and clamor to go back to normal life when we’re not ready to do so, and I certainly feel for the people whose livelihoods have been impacted by the pandemic.

Hope you guys enjoyed this update! Let me know what you’ve been up to lately in the comments.

Linking up with Elegantly Dressed and StylishThe Fashion CanvasI Do DeClaire, Style Splash, Straight A StyleRosy Outlook + Seeking Sunshine, Jersey Girl Texan Heart, Living on Cloud Nine, Effortlessly Sophisticated, Curly Crafty Mom + Doused in Pink, A Labour of Life, Elegance & MommyhoodNancy’s Fashion Style, Confessions of a Montreal Styling Diva, Lizzie in Lace, A Pocketful of Polka Dots, Shelbee on the Edge, My Random Musings, Mutton Years Style and I, Glass of Glam, and Away from the Blue.


  1. Oh cutie I absolutely enjoyed this update and I am behind you 100 percent! People in our country need to wear more courtesy for others in so many regards and especially need to wear the darn mask already! You sure do look awful cute in that oversized tee! xo

  2. What a great post! Informing and entertaining. Your curls look adorable. I’m also eating nuts and berries now. Those doggies are so cute.

  3. Okay, why did it take me so long to realize we have super similar curl patterns? Hook me up with that routine, girl!

    Loved this update. Can’t wait until we can HH again, safely!

  4. so glad i found your blog! you are darling! the doggies are so sweet…your tilapia with whiskey sauce makes me hungry…and you make me feel no shame that i walk around the house not dolled up–or barely dressed too! lol! (it’s really hot up here in Nor. Cal, right now)…and the make-up? i had to put some on for the AFTER photo for my most recent Upcycle coming out soon, and it felt weird to put it on…
    xo Eva

    1. I’m so glad you found me, too, Eva! And yes, girl- do not doll up during quarantine unless you WANT to! Live it up in loungewear! 🙂

  5. I want to quarantine where you’re quarantining.
    My sisters got into the banana bread thing and then progressed into other things. I enjoyed it. At least, I had enough to eat….hahahahah.
    Tried working out at the beginning of quarantine but I gave up after 2 weeks.
    Love your bathroom!
    Wishing you the best !


  6. Fun update! The outdoors of our house is getting spruced up this summer: we finally have a plan for our new covered pergola and i am working on my back porch while we wait for the pergola to be built. Hopefully in the next week or two. New lights to replace my cheapy ones and new firepit and stone border for the front of the house. Amazing what a little money and hard work can do! Makes being home more enjoyable. We did book a house for a week in near the Great Smoky mountains: outdoor activities are a must to stay away from people and to enjoy nature.

    1. Oh how nice- I bet your house is going to look even more amazing when it’s done! I love home updates!

      And your Great Smoky trip is going to be great- get out there in nature and recharge!

    1. We are still quarantining, yes- there are people who are trying to act normal and go back out, but then they don’t wear masks and cases go up. It’s so frustrating! And yes, I can imagine it’s so scary to be out! Hope you all continue to stay safe!

  7. Love that the pups have been living their best lives during quarantine! Happy hour on the back deck is where it’s at, and alllllllll the lounge wear. I mean who sits around their house in jeans or with a bra on?

    Green Fashionista

    1. Isn’t Dead to Me SO good?! Love it. And I really didn’t realize my hair could get THIS wavy and THIS big, haha! New thing for me!

  8. Sounds like you are having a lot of fun! We are staying home often here but with the schools open again and the kids activities starting back up we are busy and almost back to normal – apart from trying to avoid people whenever we do go out, haha! Not everyone social distances and so the shops are still tricky. After what happened in Victoria with the rise in cases in that stat (I think they are up to 100 cases or something now, eek!) we are staying away from anywhere we don’t have to be and I’m online ordering a lot more. Luckily there are a lot of fun parks for the kids to play in and enjoy!

    Hope that you are having a nice week 🙂

    Away From Blue

    1. I’m so glad you guys have the virus controlled enough to get back to (mostly) normal! That’s so impressive. America can’t seem to get its act together!

    1. It’s so tough to work out while at home- I had a gym at my office, so I would pop down and do a spin class in the afternoon. Those days are long gone! I’ve had to shake things up- I really think I’ve just now gotten back in the swing!

  9. I would love to see a post with more details on how you get those luscious locks, because I have total curly hair problems! Lol! St. Louis cases are on the rise and my poor sweet son had to be tested this week, because we got a call that his orthodontist technician was tested positive a few days after working on his teeth! Ughh! He’s negative, but made for a couple of stressful days.


    1. Aww, your poor son! I’m so glad he’s negative- I’m sure that was so stressful for your fam. And yes! I’ll work on something to show how I get these curls! 🙂

  10. My first visit to you blog. It was nice getting to know you! Your dogs are adorable! I’m glad you have adapted so well to quarantine. Here in NV, we are partially reopened, but we are keeping close to home and are diligent with our masks and social distancing when we do need to be out.


    1. I’m so glad you swung by, Michelle- and sooo happy to hear people in NV are taking mask-wearing seriously. It’s about 50-50 here in the Kansas City area. Drives me nuts!

    1. Oooh, banana bread is so good, though- did it at least taste good? I am just not a baker, lol. Much more of a cook!

  11. Love this update and your curls! I haven’t been baking but have been trying new recipes. The tilapia you made looks delicious! We have happy hour on our front porch frequently. The non-mask wearers drive me nuts and that song is perfect! Have a great weekend!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

    1. So glad you like the curls, Jill! It’s CRAZY how big my hair is, haha! And porch/deck happy hours are the best, right?

  12. I’ve gotten into a ton of online shopping for cute masks – seems appropriate, right? My collection is growing nicely. I also gave into several whims of insanity and have purchases multiple caftans and tiaras (I realize that sentence makes me sound incredibly bonkers). I’m pretty much stick exclusively to home (my husband is the designated household errand runner who grocery shops, etc) but I do have a small camping trip with a few friends planned for the end of the month. We’ve booked enough campsites to keep our tents 10 feet apart and will all be packing masks and lots of hand soap and hand sanitizer. While it will be weird to camp and have to always be conscious about not getting too close to my fellow campers, I’m really looking forward to all the outdoor socialization.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

    1. I love your attitude- collect those pretty masks! I have a feeling mask-wearing is going to be part of the culture (or, at least, I hope so) more in the future, even after we sort through this particular pandemic. And camping sounds so fun- you guys made it safe and are going to enjoy some time out of the house!

  13. I loved reading this update! Like you I’ve also been staying home eventhough some places are openeing back up. I just don’t really have the desire to go outdoor dinging at the moment and enjoying working on my blog and reading more!

    Find Your Dazzle

    1. Totally with you, gf! It’s just not safe to “return to normal” before we have a vaccine…? Just wild to me. I’m all about reading lately, too!

    1. There has definitely been a shift in things during quarantine- I’m trying to embrace that my body can change during different times, and that’s okay. But also trying to establish a solid home-based routine so that I can stay healthy. Mask UP! 🙂

  14. This is the cutest idea for a post! I love hearing what everyone has been up to. I’m with you on the staying home thing. Cases here in CA have truly exploded, and no one wants to wear a mask (??????), so it’s just better to stay at home. I’m enjoying it! I’ve loved working from home and having all the extra time with the hubbs & pup.



  15. You are one healthy eater and LOVE your bathroom! I watched the first season and liked it, but then I realized it was all about the hottie Mcstud muffin, they killed off his character and I kind of lost interest. But seriously I feel like season one was better. Season two is kind of sluggish.

    Allie of

  16. Ashley, that was a fun update to read! You know I am right there with you, creating all my functional spaces in my house so I don’t have to leave. Although I haven’t really been functioning at much of anything either! I am loving your curls all volumized like that! So, so pretty! Stay safe and healthy and sane, my friend! Thanks for linking up.


  17. I love the new way you style your hair. Your curls look amazing. Seriously, this new curly style suits you so well.
    It is nice to learn about your quarantine routine. My quarantine routine was similar. I worked from home and had more work to do so my husband helped with housework. He took to baking and he still does- he bakes the most amazing bread. I’m lucky to have him.
    Here in Croatia the quarantine is over and has ended up some time ago, but face masks are again on. From what I can see, people are wearing them. I’m a bit worried about the large numbers of tourists arriving but I understand that life has to go on and some people depend on tourism for a living. The number of Covid cases is still quite low here, but it is always best to be safe and wear a mask. Your decision to spend most of the time indoors makes perfect sense as I hear that Covid is still on the rise in USA. Stay safe and take care.

  18. This is such a cute idea for a tag! You have the bathroom of dreams, I love the marble. I feel so happy about all the dogs in the world, and how happy they must be with lockdown, and being able to be with their owners all the time. Your dogs are so cute! xo

    Makeup Muddle

  19. Sounds like you’re living a great quarantine lifestyle! I’ve also been in the same boat as not wandering out much, and if I go on walks, it’s been at 6am when hardly anyone is up. It’s been great, lol. I haven’t bought any new loungewear, so it’s been the same three or four pjs in rotation!


  20. It was fun getting to know you more through this post! That’s wise to always have a stockpile. We do, too. We try to just add to it whenever there’s sales going on. It’s essential with two babies, I go through towels like no tomorrow! I love your bathroom, girl! It’s so pretty. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great week ahead!


  21. I have been doing the same with my hair babe, thanks to lockdown its grown like crazy so my natural curls are happy, Plus I still cant get over how similar our curls are, we both have Carrie hair and I love it! 🙂 xx

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